Friday, October 8, 2010

Is Jealousy good or bad?

     In Shiyun's blog, she talks about jealousy:
When we are jealous, we do some things that we would not normally do. I think that we should be more calm when this happens. We do not always have to have what others have. If we do, then doesn't it just make us all the same. I think we should just feel happy for what they have. Everyone is different and there are other problems that we have to worry about in life. We can't always face with these little problems that we have because if we don't learn how to over come them we can not face life problems that we have in life later on. We can not let the feeling of jealousy take over our minds and bother our everyday lives. I have not felt jealous for a long time and I think that no one should have the feeling of jealousy. We need to be more happy in life and just laugh with our friends.
     I agree with Shiyun: we feel jealousy because of our differences, but these differences are what make us unique. Although people often think that being jealous of someone else is a bad thing, it is actually not because wanting something another person has can push us to do better in order to gain the thing we wanted.
     For example, Person A may find out that Person B has received a scholarship to the school he or she wants to go to and Person A also wants a scholarship so that he or she doesn't have to pay as mush for college. Person A may realize that Person B got the scholarship because he or she has been studying everyday and tries really had in school when Person A has not. Subsequently, Person A may try to work harder in school so that he or she can also gain a scholarship.
     I don't think jealousy is a bad thing unless it leads to bad outcomes in which an individual chooses not to use his or her own strengths to fairly gain what they want. Jealously can push an individual in working harder or it can corrupt them, such as making them learn to steal what they want.

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