Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Analyzing Q's Character

     Qfwfq's cowardice causes him to remain neutral when conflict erupts around him.
     When the New Ones receive news on Dinosaurs being sighted, alarm spreads in the village. Confusion erupts within the New Ones: "'The Dinosaurs are coming back!' A herd of strange monsters had been sighted, speeding fiercely over the plain. At this rate they would attack the village the following morning. The alarm was sounded," (105). Although the New Ones do not know what Dinosaurs look like, they immediately assure that the beasts heading towards them were their enemies and prepare for battle. The term "Dinosaur" registers fear within the New Ones; however, the usage of that term surfaces a mixture of indecisive feelings for Qfwfq: "What was I to do?...The call of my blood insisted I should desert and join my brothers; loyalty toward the New Ones...demanded I should consider myself on their side..." (105-106). Qfwfq is hesitant about which side to support if war breaks out between the two species. He is unable to choose between the identity of being a Dinosaur and the identity of being an individual accepted to into the society of the New Ones.
     Rather than accepting one of the sides as a solution, Qfwfq rejects both the calling in his blood and his sense of loyalty. He resolute in running away: "That... night...I left the village. My...impulse was to get as far as possible from the battlefield, return to my secret refuges..." (106). Qfwfq is unable to dedicate himself between the challenging decision of choosing his identify as an individual of the past or as one of the present. He turns away from the options of remaining in the past or living in the present and moving on from the future.
     Qfwfq decides to remain neutral. Rather than encouraging a side, he chooses to criticize both of them: "...I knew full well that neither Dinosaurs nor New Ones were worthy of my lifting a finger for them...I wanted nothing to do with either side: let them rip each other apart in turn! I didn't give a darn about any of them," (106). In the end, Qfwfq dismisses the conflict as an insignificant problem by concluding that neither side deserves his help. He decides not to take part in the occurrence that involves himself the most by avoiding the incident altogether.

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