Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Phuong's "Free Write: My 'Best Friend'"

     I found this very funny story on Phuong's blog, and I couldn't help but laugh as I read it. She starts off by saying that she has three "best friends" and I thought she was actually referring to actual people:
          I have notice how much bad luck I have been getting these few days. My three "best friends" are The Sun, Plants, and Bad Luck. These past days, they were very attached to me, especially bad luck. I tried to avoid them but it's inevitable. We are magnets stuck together which is sad for me. 
     When I first started reading this post, I thought that each of these characters symbolized an individual she knew, so I was trying to figure out who she talking about. However, as I read on, I realized that the "friends" she mentioned were non-human characters and that they were truly are her "friends," in the negative way.
     I'm not sure when she acquired these three friends but I do know that they cause her a lot of trouble and torture her to no end and it is the worst when the three of them gang up on her all at once. Phuong even states that:
          These three tend to work together and create my life of torture. Two of them seem "normal" to most people, but beware, every pretty thing/being have a darker side that they don't reveal. I am now trying to ignore them although it failed because the more I try to ignore them, the more they come to me.
     The best way for them to torture Phuong is in the seasons subsequent to winter, either spring or summer. During that time, her allergies are at her worst due to pollen and the sun is at its brightest. In a sense, that is already bad enough but it gets even worse when "Bad Luck" takes a part in becoming one of the torturers.
     Although this may be mean, I somehow find it funny, but it is really messes up for Phuong because she is the one going through the pain. Then again, it;s kind of fun watching her being tortured by her three "friends."

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