Friday, November 5, 2010


     For the past week or so, Mrs. Corbally has been showing videos in class about individuals who have problems with their eating habits and dilemma over their appearance. In her post, Shiyun states that the American criticism upon beauty and how individuals judge others derive from American culture:
I think that it is not largely their fault that they think that way. It is usually because of our culture and how we judge people. I don't blame people that want to be skinny just to fit in. I think I kind of understand how they feel, although I have never went through this experience before.
     Here, Shiyun hints that individuals often have a desire - a crave - to fit in with their peers and are willing to go through extreme methods - in this case, diets - in order to obtain their ideal body. Although she does not explain how culture impacts the way society judges individuals based upon their appearance, she notes that individuals are more often judged by their physical structure than not. In truth, no one wishes to be isolated from the "popular crowd" simply because they do not look a certain way, so individuals who were once rejected by others often end up trying to find a way to become popular even if it means risking their health.
     In addition, I agree with Shiyun when she states popularity is not necessarily gained through appearance but through a warm personality:
To me I don't think that appearance matters a lot to me and I would not judge someone without getting to know them first. I don't think people like you just because you are skinny, but rather it is your personality that really matters. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. We should never give ourselves put downs that make us feel bad about our body or even ourselves.
     Individuals all have various differences and this uniqueness often comes with the experiences the individual endures throughout their life. Some traits are determined at birth, like gender, while others or not, such as physical images and personalities. Either way, the decision of changing who that individual is and whether they wish to become "skinny" or not is decided by the individuals themselves.

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