Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Phuong - Wikileaks

     Phuong's debate topic questions whether Wikileaks is more harmful or more beneficial to society as an overall. She believe that it is beneficial for the American democratic society and to societies ruled by corrupted governments because governments would be kept in check if Wikileaks reveal the actions of the government - good or bad - to the people. However, there are many weak points in her opening statement.
     For one, Phuong includes unrelated material without explanations:
The topic of whether or not political power corrupts those who attains it is related to this debate.
This line is irrelevant because Phuong's topic is expected to address the benefits of Wikileaks, not the concern of whether or not political power corrupts those who attain it. On the other hand, even if this line is related to the support of her belief, she does not defend this point.
     Second, Phuong does not use accurate facts:
News of how corrupted the government was had been revealed and it angered many people. They couldn’t take it anymore to the point that one person set himself on fire.
Here, Phuong states that a man set himself on fire because he could not tolerate the government's corruption after news about the government was leaked. However, resources, here and here, indicate that the man had set himself on fire because the police confiscated the fruits and vegetables he was selling from a street stall:
a young man, Mohamed Bouazizi, had set fire to himself in protest after police confiscated the fruit and vegetables he was selling from a street stall
Although the corruptness of the Tunisian government did anger many people, Phuong assumes that the man lit himself on fire because of the news leaked by Wikileaks when, in truth, the man had set himself ablaze in protest for having his products confiscated.
     Lastly, Phuong contradicts herself. Her conclusion states:
All in all, I think that Wikileaks is helpful to society in maintaining peace and giving people power and confidence.
However, in the same paragraph, she indicates that:
Just like the recent event of people setting themselves on fire and starting a rebellion because the news of their government was leaked out online.
This contradicts because her conclusion implies that Wikileaks help maintain peace when she also states that the leaked news from Wikileaks led to a rebellion and people setting themselves on fire. Rather than peace, this is violence.
     Therefore, Phuong has weak points in her opening statement.

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