Sunday, December 12, 2010


     Crystal's post questions whether technology is a good or bad thing for human society:
In the modern society were technology is commonplace and accessible, many of our decisions are based off of what computers tell us. Even our identities are controlled through computers through our social security numbers or ID numbers. These numbers are assigned by society in order for computers to easily keep track of information about each citizen that resides in a particular state or country. On a more personal scale, whenever a person creates a social networking account, they identify themselves on the net by what they choose to reveal or say about themselves. Then people around the world will solely identify that person by what they see on their computer and not take the effort to know more about the person other than what is written on their screen.
     I believe that although technology cannot be seen as either a good or bad thing for human society, there are positive and negative effects that result from technology. What Crystal states above is true and it also support the claim that technology can be neither and/or either good or bad to society.
     In short, technology changes the way we live. As we become "more modernized," we no longer have to live the lives of farmers where prosperity depends on the quality and quantity of the crops. Instead, we now live the lives of convenience. We have cars that can take us to our destinations, we have supermarkets that allow us to get all the food we need without having to undergo the troublesome seasons and days of planting, plowing, and harvesting, we have phones that allow us to communicate with people halfway across the world if we take the time to make the call, and we have computers and the internet that allows us to gather all the information we need for research and projects. We can even choose to send email if we find calling and talking to bothersome.
     Technology has made lives in human society become more convenient; however, technology can also be seen as both positive and negative. I do not think there is a right or wrong answer if a debate arises.

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